2011年5月21日 星期六

2011.05.21 18:00~21:00 Nove Mesto 新城區

昨天在阿姆斯特丹機場,學姐說好今晚七點要一起去好兵帥客餐廳吃飯。捷克著名小說家Jaroslav Hašek 所編寫的小說《Good Soldier Švejk 》,就是以這家啤酒館U Kalicha 作主題。滿心期待著可以去好兵帥客餐廳吃飯,所以在小城區迷路太久的時候,其實我很緊張趕不上約定。幸好昨天下午去旅館放行李後,先去探路,因此七點左右準時趕到店門口。
On May 20th 2011, accosted friends asked me to eat dinner together at U Kalicha that was the famous pub-style restaurant in Prague. This beer pub featured in the Czech literary classic “Good Soldier Švejk”. I was so happy that friends invited me, so I was nervous that I could not catch up with the date. However, I was on time and waited for 2h. They didn’t come!!!!!!!!
我知道在國外有很多突發狀況,所以臨時約的旅伴沒能依約,我也接受了。 >”<
I could consider that they could not possibly come. When I came back the hostel, the host gave me a note. The note was written that they arrived my hostel at 20:30 and I could come to their hotel. But, I was so tired……

2011.05.21 14:00~18:00 Malá Strana 小城區


I got lost in the small town for 4h.
Because here was much grass, it was really dufficult to remerber my pathway by buildings.


Few Touristss came here, and some of them tanned the body.
I recommended to walk around here. Very relax. ^^  


2011.05.21 12:00~14:00 Hradcany Hard 城堡區


Castle was on the hill. I was a little bit tired after walking on the hill.
But, when I was seeing beautiful castles and scenery, I forgot paining.

This picture was taken from Hradcany Hard. It was really like a postcard, right?


At Hradcany Hard, there were a lot of majestical buildings and performance of string quartet.
I really enjoyed seeing the view and listening music.
Castles were great. In order to take the whole palaces, I lay on the ground for the best point of view.

2011.05.21 11:00~12:00 Charles Bridge 查理大橋

查理橋約有近三十座的雕像,其中最有名的雕像是聖約翰內波穆克 (St. John Nepomuk),聽說摸了雕像下的浮雕即可以帶來好運。應該要摸右邊浮雕中正要被士兵扔到橋下的小小人,那小小人才是聖約翰內波穆克。

There were about thirty statues on the Charles Bridge in Prague, and St. John Nepomuk was most famous one. If you touched the embossment under the statues, you would take good luck. Anyway, you looked at the bright place and touched it, and it would bring good luck to you.
Charles Bridge is soooooo beautiful!!!

2011.05.21 9:00~11:00 Staré Mesto (Old Town) 舊城區


The airplane was delayed, so the schedule of the first day was changed to the second day. I woke up early. *\^0^/* I could not wait to go around Prague.


At the first spot, I bought some strawberries in Havel's Market (Havelský trh).
There were handicrafts in this market. I really wanted to buy some souvenirs, but I was lazy to carry all day.  ^^ haha

很喜歡新娘的禮服  簡單大方

At Old Town Square (Staromestské namestí), I meet two couples. I liked the wedding gown, it was simple and beautiful. Carriage was so cool!!!!  I like it. Every girl dreams that….

餅皮應該是蛋和麵粉,用平板煎 是軟軟的口感 蛋味很重

Afternoon tea was French pancake. It was soft, and smelled eggs heavy. Because I ordered an original flavor, I really enjoyed tasting the pancake. So good!!

Beta 鞋子是捷克當地的牌子,聽說平價好穿。
Astronomical Clock is famous at old town hall. The clock was displayed the orbits among earth, moon, and sun. On the hour, the window would open, Death started to bell, St. John Nepomuk led twelve apostles to walk, and the crow and the bell rings were at the end.
There were many wonderful buildings, but I could not know each one. So sad… ˊˋ


2011年5月20日 星期五

2011.05.20 14:30 Amsterdam/ Holland -> 16:30 Prague/ Czech Republic

和他們一起搭119巴士(人26Kc+行李13Kc),再轉地鐵A線在Muzeum站轉B線26Kc/75min.到I.P. Pavlova站下車…走約十分鐘…到hostel已經六點半…
去附近晃晃,八點準時出現在U Kalicha餐廳店門口,等待學姐~~~
忽然他問我: 我可以親你嗎? 我還不及回答…他就親我臉頰了…
跟他說: 我累了!!想回房間休息了!! 就推開他…

When I arrived Prague, I had no idea to the city center, so I talked to the couple and asked them to take me together. We took the bus to the end stop of the line A subway and transferred the subway from the line A at Museum station to the line B at I.P. Pavlova stop… walked about 10 min. …I got the hostel at 6:30p.m..
I walked around the street and went to the UK restaurant, but I waited for 30 min. and didn’t see them. So Sad…
I met an Italian boy in the hostel , he kissed me and touch my body... I was afraid..., so I push him for escaping.

2011.05.20 02:30 Bangkok/ Thailand -> 09:30 Amsterdam/ Holland

去transfer center 被排到下午兩點的飛機…
天呀~~~我要在這邊耗四個小時…又賺到20歐元的餐卷…真的是賺到嗎? T”T
我們一起去換食物吃…還約好晚上八點去布拉格的U Kalicha餐廳喝酒…
學姐說: 這家餐廳很有名,就在我的hostel後面的巷子,可以一起去喝酒,她們再陪我回hostel…這樣很安全!!

In the flight, I ate a lot of foods, BUT I missed the ice cream, because I was sleepful.
Next time, I will paste the note in my head  “ I love ice cream, PLEASE wake me up.”
When I arrived the Amsterdam airport about 9:30 a.m., I missed the flight to Prague.
The new transfer flight was at 2:00 p.m. ….
OH~~~ Damned… I got the meal ticket again…And, I lost the first day in Prague…
I was so boring that I walked around and accosted two girls…
They invited me to eat the dinner at the famous restaurant “ U Kalicha”… ^^

2011年5月19日 星期四

2011.05.19 17:00 Taoyuan/Taiwan -> 2011.05.20 01:30 Bangkok/Thailand

因為接近22:00 所以我很快的就在飛機上睡著了…

Mom and Dad took me to the airport, but the airplane delayed…
The KLM flight company gave me the dinner ticket for compensation, and my schedule would miss…so sad…
When I checked in, I knew three persons would travel Berlin the capital of Germany.
Because it was a little late, I slept as soon as possible in the airplane.
I woke up and re-check in Bangkok at 1:30 a.m., it is really inconvenient…

Preparation 行前準備-Luggage 托運行李

Cloth 衣服 
正式服裝 (襯衫.套裝.西裝外套.高跟鞋). 運動服. 球鞋. 睡衣. 內衣.褲. 拖鞋. 牛仔褲. 短袖衣服. 外套. 隱形眼鏡
Suit & heeled shoes, Sports clothing, Sneakers, Underwear, Slippers, Jeans, T-shirt, Jackets, contact lenses
Toiletry盥洗用品 & Cosmetics化妝品
牙刷.牙膏.洗面皂.洗髮精 toothbrush, dentifrice, facial soap, Shampoo
保養品(化妝水.乳液.面膜.蘆薈霜.身體乳) Lotion, emulsion, mask, Aloe lotion                    
化妝品(粉底.眼影.眼線筆.腮紅.唇蜜) Base, eye shadow, eyeliner, Cheek, Lip honey

Other 其他
OK繃 肌樂軟膏 維他命 塑膠袋 夾鏈袋 購物袋 餅乾 蒟蒻乾 Vitamins, Bags, Foods

Preparation 行前準備 -Personal luggage 隨身行李

Electronic products 電子用品
筆電(隨身碟.滑鼠.充電器) 相機(電池.充電器.記憶卡) 手機 (電池.充電器) 計算機 電子辭典 轉接插頭 MP3
PC ( flash, mouse, battery charger), Camera ( battery*2, battery charger, SD card), cell phone ( battery charger), Calculator, Electronic translator, Switch transfer, MP3

Other 其他雜物 
帽子. 傘. 毛巾. 衛生紙. 濕紙巾. 防曬油. 護手霜. 護唇膏. 綠油精. 小護士. 梳子. 眼鏡
Hat, umbrella, towel, tissue paper, wet towel, suntan lotion, hand cream, lip balm, green olein, mentholatum, comb, glasses
Electronic products 電子用品 筆電(隨身碟.滑鼠.充電器) 相機(電池.充電器.記憶卡) 手機 (電池.充電器) 計算機 電子辭典 轉接插頭 MP3 PC ( flash, mouse, battery charger), Camera ( battery*2, battery charger, SD card), cell phone ( battery charger), Calculator, Electronic translator, Switch transfer, MP3 Other 其他雜物 帽子. 傘. 毛巾. 衛生紙. 濕紙巾. 防曬油. 護手霜. 護唇膏. 綠油精. 小護士. 梳子. 眼鏡 Hat, umbrella, towel, tissue paper, wet towel, suntan lotion, hand cream, lip balm, green olein, mentholatum, comb, glasses

Must check 必備資料                                                     
電子機票. 簽證. 護照 (護照影本.兩吋照片2張.身分證影本). 行程表大綱. 日程表. 住宿資料(地點. 地圖. 電話). 研討會資料. 保險
Electronic airplane ticket, Visa. Passport ( passport copy, Head photo*2, ID card copy), Schedule outline, Daily schedule, Accommodation ( address, map, phone), Conference information, Insurance

Electronic products 電子用品
筆電(隨身碟.滑鼠.充電器) 相機(電池.充電器.記憶卡) 手機 (電池.充電器) 計算機 電子辭典 轉接插頭 MP3
PC ( flash, mouse, battery charger), Camera ( battery*2, battery charger, SD card), cell phone ( battery charger), Calculator, Electronic translator, Switch transfer, MP3
Other 其他雜物 
帽子. 傘. 毛巾. 衛生紙. 濕紙巾. 防曬油. 護手霜. 護唇膏. 綠油精. 小護士. 梳子. 眼鏡
Hat, umbrella, towel, tissue paper, wet towel, suntan lotion, hand cream, lip balm, green olein, mentholatum, comb, glasses

2011.05.19~29 Czech Republic Schedule Outline

0520 (Fri.)
10:30~11:30 airportà Prague Main Train Station11:30~14:30 Staré Mesto (Old Town) 舊城區
14:30~17:00 Josefov (Jewish Quarter) 猶太區
07:00~14:00卡洛維瓦利 Karlovy Vary
14:00~18:00瑪莉安斯凱斯涅 Mariánské Lázně 

20110522 (Sun.)06:00~09:00 Charles Bridge & Malá Strana (Lesser Town) 小城區9:00~12:00 Prague Castle 城堡區(Hradcany Hrad) 12:00~14:00新城區 ( Nově Město)

20110523 (Sun.) ~ 20110526 (Sun.)16th International Symposium on Intercalation Compounds Symposium
20110526 (Sun.)9:00~18:00 Ceske Budejovice 18:30~20:30 Check in Cesky Krumlov - Travellers Hostel, Czech Republic
20110527 ( Fri.)08:00~ 12:00  Krumlovsky Zamek12:00~ 17:00 Namesti Svornosti
20110528 ( Sat.)10:00~14:00 Cesky Krumlov à Prague and airport